A city tour Salvador Bahia can easily arranged by our receptionist

City tour Salvador Bahia on your holiday Brasil program.
The city tour Salvador is a good option for our guests interested in attaining some essential understanding of the history of Salvador including its past and actual culture. Salvador has modern and colonial architecture which is nicely embedded in an interesting topography of hills and valleys, surrounded by blue sea and the bay of all the saints, which gave name to the state Bahia. Salvador has modern shopping centre like Salvador Shopping Barra shopping and you will find most things you might need if you want to bay present or you forgot to bring with you. Salvador has also very nice beaches.
City tour Salvador Bahia
The City of Salvador is maybe the most exciting city in Brazil. A must for a visit are the following: Pelourinho, the “Mercado Modelo”, o Centro Historic de Salvador, the old and traditional churches, beaches, places, museums, the church of Bonfim, and much more.
Maybe you are just interested in Salvador Brasil music and its nightlife. Just speak with our receptionist – she will find a driver who is ready to extend the City tour Salvador to hour you wish to return. There are also excellent Restaurants. If you like Japanese Food, you have an excellent Restaurant on a lovely spot just by the Marin water front called Soho. There is another option in Praia do Forte, less than 5 minutes by foot leaving our Porto da Lua Beach Hotel Praia do Forte reception.
Great tour, Cachoeira and São Félix
City tour Salvador can be extended with a visit to the little towns of Cachoeira and São Felix which are also worth a trip, but require a drive of about 2 to 3hours from Praia do Forte Bahia. It is worth while, because time in the little towns seems to have been standing still for centuries, and it looks like modern brazilian time has never entered in the life of the inhabitants. It is an amazing experience, like a trip in Aldous Huxley or H.G Well “Time machine” to the past. Dannemann cigar factory, São Félix
The year 1872, São Félix: the business man Geraldo Dannemann founded his first cigar factory. This region is called the “Recôncavo Baiano,” and was one of the first agriculturally developed areas of Brazil. Today, Dannemann still operates the factory of cigars in São Felix, and evidently makes the best Cigar wrapper, or cover foils for cigars worldwide. This cover foils are used by quite a number of important cigars manufacturer around the globe, without mentioning the origin of the Cigar wrapper. But you will see the ladies rolling the cigars by hand on their knees, and if you are passionate cigar smokers, you can make your own cigar und the guidance of one of the professionals.