Project Tamar, centre of competence in turtle protection, today sponsored by Petrobras
Project Tamar, co-founded and supported by Klaus Peters and foundation Garcia D´Avila
Project Tamar in Praia do Forte Bahia has no doubt become the symbol of environmental protection attitude of Praia do Forte and beyond the whole state, maybe the whole Brazilian coast line with over 8’000km of length.
One of the great Sponsors of the Project Tamar is Petrobras: Project Tamar offers educational services for the local population and access for more than a Million visitors per year to learn more about the fascinating specie Sea Turtle. During December and beginning of January, sea turtle can be seen during sunset hours swimming in the water, but sometimes very near, as close as ten metres, in front of the beach of the Hotel. In fact, around New Year 2009/2010, people were stopping swimming at high tide in front of the Hotel, because sometime up to4 turtles were seen close to the shore lines. Who knows, if you hit one accidentally swimming in the sea?