The Whale Baleia Jubarte is back in Praia do Forte and whale watching is organized from July until end of October
Whale watching, observação das Baleias, Praia do Forte Bahia

With some luck you might see the Jubarte whales swimming and playing in the ocean right in front of our Beach Pousada-Praia do Forte. But of course it is surer to go on a guided whale watching tour. The whale watching schooner leaves right from the beach in Front of Project Tamar, about 100 metres from our Beach Pousada Praia do Forte. Before you are heading for open waters, there is a lecture also in English about the whale Jubarte and its live between Praia do Forte and the Antarctic. For example: The Jubarte Whale can grow up to 13 meters in length. The Jubarte Whale spends most of the year in the colder South Atlantic Ocean. But when southern winter hits the cold southern Atlantic area, the Jubarte whales migrate to better breeding grounds in the warm ocean of Bahia. There they stay till the beginning of October. So whale watching in Praia do Forte Brazil starts end of June and goes on till beginning of October.
Whale watching Praia do Forte Bahia
The Jubarte whales usually gather in small groups of up to six whales. So if you see one, it is probable that you will see the other which will follow. The whale watching may cover some 30 nautical miles and will have a duration between 3 and 4 hours. The whale watching operators guarantee an over 95 percent chance that you see a whale. If not, you will be offered free of charge to try the next day. The price of the excursion is some 160 Reais. Children pay half price.
Whale watching with support whale-institute “Baleia Jubarte
In 2001 the whale-institute “Baleia Jubarte” was founded in Praia do Forte and a visiting centre as well as a research centre has been installed. The whale watching can be done between July and October. There are two options: one by schooner and one by plane. The schooner option is more authentic, because the feeling with the elements of the sea is more direct: you not only see the whales, but you can almost smell them, or at least the salt water.
Whale watching from the air
From an airplane it is easier to sea the whales. And the chance to see more whales in short time is certainly bigger from an airplane, because from the air you can spot any whale group in seconds, and trace them very fast and close form the air. It is fascinating.
Whale watching from our Hotel
The third option is based on luck: but from time to time you can see whales from the hammock of the Porto da Lua Beach Pousada Praia do Forte. Not really whale watching – but for many of our guests it paid to watch out for whales. However, seeing turtle from the Pousada is common, seeing whales from our Beach Hotel Praia do Forte armchair is much more difficult