The natural pools in front of our Beach Pousada Praia do Forte are like a big natural spa to relax
Natural pool - Piscinas naturais, in front of our Beach Pousada Praia do Forte


The natural swimming pools are formed between the beach and the reef. The reef is about a hundred fifty to two hundred meters away from the sandy beach. The natural pools are perfect for snorkelling, to relax or to swim. Best swimming options are not directly in front of the beach Pousada Praia do Forte, but some 400 meters north of the Hotel, where the natural pool forms to a huge natural swimming pool. There, Swimming can be practised at all times. In front of our Pousada Praia do Forte, entering is possible at low tide, to enjoy snorkelling or just relax in the warm water spots. Or then, at high tide, swimming in front of our Beach Pousada-Praia do Forte is fantastic, because the waves don’t break, but are just fancy to feel the motion of the waves. In between high and low tide, entering the sea directly in front of the Pousada is not recommended, since you might feel the reef, stone like ground.