In Praia do Forte Bahia are located the ruins from the tower and the castle from Garcia D’Avila and the place has made its entry to the list of Brazilian Sightseeing und the name of Costello da Torre de Garcia D'Ávila. They are ruins of national importance, since they mark a very important step the early time of Portuguese colonisation of Brazil. Later the Castle da Torre de Garcia D'Ávila became headquarter of the largest private propriety which ever was established on this planet: it covered a surface of about 800’000 km2, which is about equal the size of Spain, Portugal, Italia, Switzerland and Holland together!
Castle Garcia D’Avila, national monument, almost a must for Brazil sightseeing
The castle Garcia D’Avila, Brazilian sightseeing
In the year 1938 the castle Garcia D'Avila, o Porto do Açú da Torre where registered as national monuments (Tombamento sob n.: 47, NO ARQUIVO CENTRAL DO IPHAN). The castle Garcia D'Avila remains to be private and belongs to the foundation Garcia D'Avila, which was originally initiated by Klaus Peters. From there it was transferred to the company Landco, and then sold to the actual mayor from Mata de São João. The tower and the castle from Garcia D’Avila has found its entry to many lists of Brasil Sightseeing.