Praia do Forte Bahia, shown on every map Bahia, is model of ecotourism






The little former fisherman village has evolved to a comfortable tourist place which is not yet flooded by people and which has a very nice infrastructure. Praia do Forte Salvador has a pedestrian street, closed for cars and other vehicles, with small taverns and bars, and shops and life music and much more. Praia do Forte Salvador is well organized and a model of the co-living of native population and tourists from all over the world.

Helpful phone numbers Praia do Forte

Maybe this little list of phone numbers maybe helpful to you:

Fundação Garcia D’avila – 55 (71) 3676 – 1073
Instituto Baleia Jubarte – 55 (71) 3676 – 1463
Projeto Tamar – 55 (71) 3676 – 1045
Parque Sauipe – 55 (71) 3242 – 1510
Posto de Saúde da Família – 55 (71) 9957 – 6793
Farmácia 1 – 55 (71) 3676 - 1476 
Farmácia 2 – 55 (71) 3676 - 1397
Prefeitura de Mata de São João (Sede) – 55 (71) 3635 - 1013
Prefeitura de Mata de São João (Litoral) - 55 (71) 3676 - 1569 
Delegacia de Policia Ambiental - 55 (71) 3676 – 1132
Policia Militar 55 (71) 3676 - 0345